Dozens and Dragons


to haunt and be haunted


“No One Ever Leaves” by dozens is published under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license with additional terms and restrictions specified in the Haunted House License (see below). For exceptions to the creative commons license, contact the author. There are no exceptions to the haunted house license.

Dicier, the analog gaming typeface by Speak the Sky, licensed under CC BY 4.0 (

The basement picture appearing in APPENDIX: BASEMENT DELVING is a modified version of the original by Thomas Bresson via wikimedia commons, licensed CC BY 3.0. The image and floorplan from APPENDIX: MAP OF THE HOUSE is “Impressive English Tudor Plan 11603GC” from, all rights reserved. All other images are in the public domain and require no attribution.

HAUNTED HOUSE LICENSE: You are now permanently a part of this work and it is now permanently a part of you. Your fates are inextricably intertwined. There is no escaping it. It will follow you wherever you go and accompany you throughout your life. It is your burden. It feeds on you. You will be changed forever and you will never be able to go back to the way things were. Should you ever be so foolish to think that you think you might finally be free of it, you will notice it lurking around corners just out of sight in your periphery. You can never be rid of it. It will haunt you forever.



Imagine a home. Imagine laboriously and painstakenly building one piece by piece for you and your family. A place where you have a strong sense of self and identity. A sense a safety and belonging. A place that is yours, a place that protects you. Sturdy walls around a warm hearth to keep out the cold and the damp.

Now imagine being made to suddenly feel like a stranger in your home. Having your sense of place and comfort taken away from you piece by piece. The walls no longer keep the monsters at bay. Worse yet, you are made to believe that you yourself might be the monster. This is what means to be haunted: for a sense of the uncanny to invade your sense of home.

This is a game. Just by reading this you are already playing. Welcome.

It is a haunted house game where each turn a new family moves into the old house, is haunted by its previous occupants, and ultimately joins their ranks to haunt the next owners.

It is a solo journaling horror game designed specifically to support succession play.


This is a horror game. It is designed to evoke strong feelings including creeping despair, acute terror, isolation, and dissociation. Hopefully that sounds like a good time to you!

Of course you’ll be the one creating these feelings for yourself so you have a modicum of control over the situations you find yourself in. But be careful nonetheless.

After every couple of hands return here and see how you’re doing. Take an emotional and physical self-inventory using the lists below. If you’re mostly in the green, then continue playing if you like. If you are in the yellow, then proceed with caution. If you are in the red, take a little break before playing again.





You will need:


This game is like your favorite 7-layer dip: it’s got layers!

The game consists of turns. One turn is a complete playthrough during which a family will move into the house, have experiences, and ultimately succumb to the haunting. Think of it as season 1 of “Haunted: The Televison Series” where subsequent turns / seasons tell the story of other families encountering the same house and the ghosts of families from previous seasons.

The house will appear in different time periods from turn to turn. It may appear in physically different locations, in different neighborhoods, in different towns, states, or countries. It may look very different from turn to turn with different a floor plan and layout, and in different states of repair and upkeep.

Play structure

At the start of a turn, you will create a new family for awful things to happen to. They will be fleeing something from their old life, and in search of some kind of a new beginning. Each family member will have a distinct personality that will make them capable of having complex reactions to experiences.

Once a family is created, the turn continues with phased play. Each turn is made up four distinct phases that escalate in spookiness and in severity of consequences for the family: the move in, the haunting, the perilous phase, and the finale.

Each phase of play consists of an average of 4 dealt hands. A hand is a self-contained thematic scene of related experiences. It is a three-part act:

  1. The family gets to have a number of experiences, either individually or as a whole.

  2. And then they (and the haunts involved) react to the experiences.

  3. Based on their reactions and convictions, the tension will either escalate or deescalate during the fallout of the experiences, creating some kind of outcome as you get ready to transition to the next hand.

At the end of each hand, each family member creates memories based on the experiences they had. These memories can become beliefs that guide their behavior during play, and that they will take with them into the afterlife as haunts.

When all of the hands in a phase has been played, then it’s time to move on to the next phase.

During the final phase, the finale, drawing KING_SPADES at any time immediately ends the game. The family succumbs to the house and is added to the ledger, the list of haunts. You get to write an epilogue. The memories of the existing haunts have a chance to fade.

Then you can start a new turn. Or if you are playing the succession rules, you can pass the game on to the next player.


Sound fun? Here’s how to play!

  1. FAMILY: At the start of each turn, shuffle your cards and create a new family

  2. PHASES: Separate your deck of cards into four suits. Shuffle each suit separately, and keep them separated. There is one suit for each distinct phase of play: first clubs, then diamonds and hearts, and finally spades.

  3. OVERTONE: At the start of each phase, draw a card to establish the overtone.

    Hint: when drawing for tone or making other auxiliary or supplemental draws (draws that are not for experiences), draw from a suit / phase pile that is currently not being used so that you don’t deplete your current hand of experiences.

Table: Phases Of Play
Name Suit Mood Description
Arrival CLUBS Tense New beginnings. Family moves into house. Ignorance, hope, beginnings, structure, opportunity
Haunting DIAMONDS Weird Weird stuff happens. Conflict, corruption, deception, secrets
Perilous HEARTS Dangerous Isolation, violence, courage, delirium, captivity, prophecy, aid
Finale SPADES Fatal Entombed, succumb to the house. Surrender, judgment, ending, renewal, loss
  1. EXPERIENCES: Deal c6 cards facedown into a single hand. Turn the cards in hand face up one at a time, looking each one up on the Experiences Table. Resolve them one at a time, or consider them together all at once.

  2. JOURNAL: Pause to consider your experiences and make a note in your journal. Add your experiences to your memories if you can.

  3. REACTIONS: Decide or randomly choose which family member(s) and haunt(s) are involved in, or most affected by, the experiences from this hand. Have each of them react and then add up all of their conviction together. If the total is greater than zero, things get complicated and the tension gets worse. If it is zero or less, then things let up. Some of the tension resolves. The larger the number the greater the effect.

  4. OUTCOME: After the reaction, there is an outcome or fallout. Some logical conclusion of experience plus reaction. Write it down.

  5. MEMORIES: Add experiences to character memories, rephrasing them as you like.

  6. CONTINUE: Repeat until you have finished the clubs phase. Then continue with the diamonds, hearts, and spades phases. The risks should get riskier with each subsequent phase. The haunts more severe. Whenever you turn over KING_SPADES, your family immediately succumbs to the house. Add them family to the Ledger so they can haunt the next family.

  7. EPILOGUE: Write about the final moments of your family, or what happens afterward to them, the house, the neighborhood.

  8. FADING: Erode the memories of the existing haunts in the Ledger.


When playing, be sure to skip forward and backward as needed, adding and revising details as you like to characters, experiences, etc. Don’t feel like you need to address and incorporate every single card you draw if you don’t want to. If it doesn’t spark inspiration, set it aside for now. You can come back to it later to address it after the fact once you’ve gotten inspiration for how to interpret it. Or you can ignore it entirely. The rules and the cards are here to assist you and guide your intuition. Not bind you. If you perceive or intuit something that will make the story better or make the game more fun for you, then that takes precedence over the rules as written.


Look, this is a haunted house story. It’s always going to be kind of dark and spooky. But the tone is more nuanced than that, and it changes over time. A shift in tone marks shift between scenes, and gives each one its own specific flavor of spookiness.

At the start of each phase, draw a card to establish the overtone. Allow this overtone to color your experiences and inform the overall mood throughout all phases of play.

Feel free to draw an optional undertone at the start a new hand and consider the combination of overtone and undertone. Perhaps a moment of quiet resolve and determination in the midst of a chaotic and thrilling chase. Or maybe a sudden outburst during a scene of quiet melancholy.

Table: Tone
Card Result Description
DIAMONDS HEARTS or ACE - SIX Bright Intense, loud, boisterous, violent, passionate, reckless, mocking, frivolous
SPADES CLUBS or SEVEN - QUEEN Dark Melancholy, quiet, intense, contemplative, weary, brooding, cool, quiet, introspective, calculating


Playing cards can be used with little to no effort to simulate rolling four-sided, six-sided, and ten-sided dice.

That said, it is even less effort to use dice if you have them around. So, optional rule: you can use dice if you want to.

But the default rules are to use cards. So here’s how to do that!


But first:

The phrase “Draw on the ‘Random Number Between 1 And 6’ table” or even “draw a number between 1 and 6” can grow to be tedious and verbose. Let’s develop a convenient shorthand.

To roll a six-sided die is to “roll d6.” So let’s say that to draw a random number between 1 and 6 is to “draw c6.” Where d = dice, c = card.

Let’s use this notation from now on. When you see “draw c6” now you’ll now what that means. And if you see “draw 2c6” you’ll know that means to draw twice on the ‘Random Number Between 1 And 6’ table, and so on.


You can use cards to simulate a four-sided die to get a random number between 1 and 4.

Table: Random Number Between 1 And 4
Card Result


This one is the most complicated because it requires a little math (dividing and rounding). But it’s not that bad and you’ll get the hang of it once you do it a few times. You got this.

To use cards instead of a six-sided die, divide a card’s value by 2 rounding down. Ignore aces.

Table: Random Number Between 1 And 6
Card Result
ACE Draw again


Getting a random number between 1 and 10 is simple. Draw a card and look at its value. A = 1, 2 = 2 … 9 = 9, 10 = 10. Ignore face cards (jacks, queens, kings) and draw again.


  1. Draw an era for this haunting. The house is simultaneously present in the past, present, and future all at the same time. Just like you are.

    Make up a location for the house that is interesting to you. You can be familiar with it or not. What does the house look like in this time? What do the neighbors think of it? Does it have a nickname that the neighborhood children call it? Are there any interesting landmarks nearby? Does it have any interesting lawn features like a gazebo or a vegetable garden or a small pond? Write it down.

Table: Era
Card Result
ACE Draw again
TWO - THREE Distant past
FOUR - FIVE Proximate past
SIX - NINE Present
TEN - JACK Proximate future
QUEEN - KING Distant future
  1. Family size should be a couple humans. Around 1 - 3 give or take. Give them some names, ages, pronouns, etc. Why did they move here? What new start are they looking forward to? What are they leaving behind? Write down what the family is fleeing, and what they are in search of.
Table: Family Size
Single 2 or more adults
One or more children No Children
Pet(s) No Pets
  1. Fill out the Reaction Wheel for each family member.

  2. Age and gender: you may already have an idea of the age and gender for each family member when you are create them. But if you don’t, and would also like to leave such things to chance, draw on the gender table, and draw c6 * 10 + c6 for age. (E.g. FOURCLUBS, THREESPADES = 2 * 10 + 1 = 21.) (See age table.) Optionally, when you draw an ace, discard it and draw again as usual, and multiply the result of the new card by 2 for the rare chance of a 132 year old resident.

Table: Gender
Card Gender
ACE Draw again
EIGHT - NINE Neither
TEN - JACK Trans
Table: Age
Card Tens Ones
ACE Draw again Draw again
TWO - THREE 10 1
FOUR - FIVE 20 2
SIX - SEVEN 30 3
TEN - JACK 50 5
Table: Names: Male/Female/Surname
ACE Josiah/Terri/Phillips Emanuel/Lila/Gonzalez Leland/Cassidy/Sanchez Brooks/Kiara/Hill
TWO Jerald/Lesley/Smith Finn/Hanna/Wilson Guy/Karla/Clark Curtis/Jasmine/Flores
THREE Judah/Ebony/Johnson Christopher/Karen/Anderson Kirby/Maeve/Ramirez Alijah/Kaylin/Green
FOUR Mauricio/Juliette/Williams Bart/Paola/Thomas Owen/Suzanne/Lewis Romeo/Hayden/Adams
FIVE Eugene/Marie/Brown Aron/Beulah/Taylor Ivan/Shelby/Robinson Nick/Lacey/Nelson
SIX Quincy/Ciara/Jones Carlo/James/Moore Cleveland/Julissa/Walker Drew/Gianna/Baker
SEVEN Asher/Makayla/Garcia Ned/Maci/Jackson Jonathan/Brenda/Young Tracy/Ariel/Hall
EIGHT Kent/Candace/Miller Ignacio/Adalyn/Martin Dillon/Breanna/Allen Forest/Amira/Rivera
NINE Leslie/Ethel/Davis Ayden/Camila/Lee Ellis/Eunice/king Justin/Pamela/Campbell
TEN Felix/Shelly/Rodriguez Lorenzo/Hope/Perez Branden/Sasha/Wright Carson/Addison/Mitchell
JACK Felipe/Reese/Martinez Elias/Tonya/Thompson Emmett/Krystal/Scott Lukas/Susie/Carter
QUEEN Guillermo/Allie/Hernandez Tucker/Mya/White Barrett/Kerri/Torres Arnold/Penny/Roberts
KING Eric/Shirley/Lopez Kellen/Sage/Harris Everett/Tanya/Nguyen Joaquin/Raven/Gomez
Random selections from the top 1,000 US names (updated for 2023) from


Both occupants and haunts are nuanced and unpredictable people capable of a variety of reactions. Each reaction has a likelihood, its chance of occurring, and a conviction, how strong the reaction is and whether it is calming or intensifying.

  1. Draw on the Reactions table

  2. Draw on the Conviction table. Positive numbers will escalate tension and negative numbers will deescalate tension.

Table: Conviction
Card Conviction
ACE Ignore and redraw
  1. Draw c6 to determine a reaction likelihood between 1 and 6. Fill in that number of pie segments on the character’s reaction wheel. Label it with the Reaction + Conviction.
Table: Reactions
ACE Lonely Suspicious
TWO Confused Violent
THREE Remorseful Arrogant
FOUR Sorrowful Agitated
FIVE Compassionate Patient
SIX Frightened Jealous
SEVEN Emotional Haughty
EIGHT Professional Frightened
NINE Trusting Guilty
TEN Honest Manipulative
JACK Decisive Broken
QUEEN Friendly Aggressive
KING Curious Dishonest

Example: Below is a blank reaction wheel. It has ten segments.

Figure: Blank Reaction Wheel

Let’s fill it out.

I start by drawing 3 cards for reaction, conviction, and likelihood.

I drew TEN_CLUBS, NINE_HEARTS, and QUEEN_CLUBS. That’s Manipulative +1 with 6 likelihood. So I’ll fill in 6 segments and label it, and will keep drawing three cards at a time until all 10 segments are filled.

Figure: Reaction Wheel Step 1

Next hand is SIX_CLUBS, ACE_CLUBS, and SIX_DIAMONDS. That’s Jealous -3, 3 So I’ll fill in the next 3 segments with “Jealous -3”.

Figure: Reaction Wheel Step 2

Only 1 segment left. It doesn’t really matter what my Conviction is; this next hand will complete the track.

QUEEN_DIAMONDS, NINE_CLUBS, ACE_DIAMONDS = Friendly +1 … and we normally would need to redraw the ACE. But again, there’s only one segment left, so it doesn’t matter.

Figure: Reaction Wheel Step 3

Now we have a complete Reaction Track! From now on, When you are uncertain how a haunt or occupant would react to a situation, draw c10 on this wheel, and then you’ll know!

Note: You don’t always have to draw on the reaction wheel every time! During play, if you there is an obviously logical or interesting way for a family member or haunt to react to a situation, then have them react that way! The reaction wheel is merely a tool to help you if you are uncertain.


Table: Experiences
ACE Objects fly off the shelves when you enter a room
TWO Furniture moves itself, rearranging itself into bizarre patterns and configurations
THREE The feeling that somebody who’s not there just brushed past you
FOUR All the electronics suddenly turn on at full volume at the same time
FIVE Blood pooling on the floor or spattered on the walls
SIX Shadowy figures darting through hallways, appearing briefly in doorways
SEVEN The pervasive smell of rotting meat coming from inside the walls
EIGHT A new door appears somewhere in the house leading somewhere unfamiliar.
NINE Bruises appear on your body in the shape of a hand print
TEN Rooms and hallways suddenly seem the wrong size. Slightly larger or smaller than they should be.
JACK Waking up with scratches on your arms, feeling like something heavy is sitting on your chest
QUEEN Doorknobs crumble and walls splinter when you touch them
KING You become one with the house

Optionally, you may draw c4 for Proximity for an experience.

Table: Proximity
Card Proximity
CLUBS Distant
DIAMONDS Near but in another part of the house
HEARTS Close, in this room


A memory is a container for experiences, a way to periodically summarize a character’s experiences in the house. The character will carry their memories with them into the afterlife when they become a haunt, at which point their memories will slowly erode until they eventually lose touch and forget what brought them here.

A character has four memory slots.

Each memory can hold up to four experiences.

You can add experiences to memory slots in any order, grouping them thematically, crossing out experiences and adding new ones, etc. Memories change over time after all.

When a memory is complete, when it holds four experiences and seems stable, write a short line summarizing it. This will often naturally be phrased as a new belief based on the collection of experiences. And these new beliefs may guide and influence that charaters’s choices and behaviors as the game continues.

Here’s an example of one memory slot from my first playthrough belonging to eight year old Guillermo.

Consequently, Guillermo grew to expect pain and disappointment and developed an unflinching acceptance of it. Poor kid!

For haunts, memories erode at the end of each turn. For each haunt draw c6. On a six, cross out one extant experience, or one empty memory for that haunt.

What does it mean when to cling to a memory or belief when you can no longer remember any experiences to back it up or justify it? What happens to a haunt who longer has any memories?



A number between -3 and +3 that describes how strong a reaction is. When added together with all other convictions at the end of a hand, determines whether the scene ends with escalation or deescalation.


A single thing that happens during a single scene. Corresponds to a single draw during a game phase. Usually happens in groups of experiences called hands.


One scene. A single deal of 1 - 6 experiences. Hands are dealt repeatedly until the current phase is over.


A ghostly resident of the house. A shade of a former occupant made up of fading memories and strong reactions.

Journaling game:

A game where you read prompts and then think about them and then write about your thoughts and feelings and experinces. Each entry can be a few words or a few sentences or much longer.


A number between 1 and 6 associated with a reaction that is both how many segments of a reaction wheel a reaction occupies, and also the percent chance that a character reacts that way during a hand.


Comprised of up to four experiences. Memories are built up during an occupant’s time in the house, and then slowly decay over time after they become haunts.


One of four periods of play comprised of a number of hands


A reaction or temperament, but also its conviction and likelihood.

Reaction wheel

A ten-section clock, wheel, or track that tracks the likelihood and strength (conviction) of a character’s possible reaction to a scene.

Solo game:

A (role-playing) game that you play by yourself. There are lots of reasons to play solo: you want to play Right Now and don’t have any friends around; you want to play soon-ish but can’t seem to schedule time with friends; you want to play at your own pace, your own speed, and have private experiences; you want to experience something that is for you and you alone; etc. In a solo game you adopt the role of, and play as, either a character that you create for the express purpose of playing the game, or some approximate version of yourself (you, but older or younger or braver or stronger, etc), or some kind of combination of the two.

Succession game

A style of play where the game is played using the solo rules, but also passed each turn from player to player in succession. It is a kind of “group play with solo rules.”


Bright vs Dark. Each phase has an overtone that describes the overall vibe or mood of a scene.


One complete playthrough of all four phases. A complete narrative experience of a family moving in, being haunted, and succumbing to the house. During succession play, the end of a turn is when the game is passed to the next player.


Floorplan of the house


Additional meaning of cards inspired by tarot and numerology. If you are ever looking for a little extra inspiration, then draw a card and consider its meaning based on your own intuition, or based on the tables here.

Table: Suit Meanings
Class Artisans, laborers Merchants Clergy Nobility, military
Element Fire (hot, dry) Earth/mud (cold, wet) Water/steam (hot, wet) Air (cold, dry)
Domain Magic Opportunity Compassion Understanding
Meaning Passion, inspiration, willpower, creativity Nature, physicality, wealth, stability Spirituality, emotion, love, relationships Logic, ideas, intellect, communication

This is a hierarchical order from the tarot based on social clout and social status: clubs represent artisans and laborers, and are the lowest rank; diamonds are the merchant class; hearts the clergy; and spades, the military and nobility, rule the suits. This is also, come to find out, the same order used for contract bridge.

An alternate order based on the tarot symbolizes the manifestation of the spiritual (clubs/wands) to the physical (diamonds/pentacles), through emotion (hearts/cups), and intellect (spades/swords). The classical elements associated with these realms are fire (clubs), water (hearts), air (spades), and earth (diamonds). Using this sequence, low to high (diamonds, spades, hearts, clubs), to evoke the sublimation of the physical to the spiritual is certainly appropriate for this game as you guide your families from their earthen forms to their new ghostly ones.

Table: Card Meanings
Card Meaning
ACE Beginning, opportunity
TWO Balance, duality
THREE Growth, creativity
FOUR Stability, structure
FIVE Change, conflict
SIX Cooperation, communication
SEVEN Knowledge, reflection
EIGHT Accomplishment, mastery
NINE Attainment, fruition
TEN Completion, renewal
JACK Knows (domain)
QUEEN Has (domain)
KING Is (domain)


DO NOT GO INTO THE BASEMENT! But sometimes you just might have to go into the basement to retrieve an artifact or a loved one, or to seek hidden information, or just to explore its hidden depths. Note that “basement” can refer to almost any part of the house that is spooky and that is much larger than it should be. It can be the actual basement, or the attic, or that one boarded up bedroom nobody is allowed in, or even a wardrobe.

You will need:

Remove KING_SPADES from the deck and shuffle the remaining cards. Deal out 24 cards face down. Set the deck aside. Add KING_SPADES to your 24 cards so that you now have 25, and reshuffle. KING_SPADES represents your GOAL, your reason for entering the basement. (Make sure you know what your GOAL is before proceeding.) Deal the cards into a staggered 5x5 grid:

  A B C D E
0   o   o 
1 o   o   o
2   o   o
3 o   o   o
4   o   o
5 o   o   o
6   o   o
7 o   o   o
8   o   o
9 o   o   o

Flip the bottom middle card face up. This is the basement entrance. If / when you turn over a card of the same color and face value, this is an exit to a deeper level of the basement. For example, If the basement entrance is FIVEHEARTS, then FIVEDIAMONDS is an exit.

When entering a new room, turn that card over and look it up on the exploration table. With the cards remaining in the deck, draw 3c6 to determine the exit locations for that room/area.

 6 |   | 2
   |   |
 5 |   | 3


  1. North
  2. Northeast
  3. Southeast
  4. South
  5. Southwest
  6. Northwest

Doubles = A dark, winding hallway (10 x pips) feet long

Triples = No exit!

The layout of the basement is bewildering and disorienting. You will often find doors leading back into rooms where there was no door before.

Some rooms are not reachable by any door or hallway. Remove them from the grid.

Table: Exploration
ACE - TEN Nothing Something Bad
JACK, QUEEN, KING Something good A small comfort or respite

For inspiration draw on the experiences table or draw a card (or two) and look it up on the suit meaning and card meaning tables.


Featuring patent pending FINGER JAB technology! All you gotta do is close your eyes and jab your finger a few times at this table, or bounce the eraser of your pencil on it a few times, or wave your pen around over head a few times and then let it fall where it will on the page. There! Now you have a random card.

Figure: Finger Jab Card Table
3H 2S 6S 3H 0D 9S QC 3C 9H 4H 0S KH KD 9S 6C 6C KC 6H 3S QC
2D 2D 3C 3C 8H 9H KC 9D 2C 3H 9D AH 5H AC KH QD 8D JD QH QS
JC 2H KD AH QS 7D 7D 3H AH 7D 6C 9C 4S 9S KH JS 8C 5C 7C 6H
QD 4C 6S 7S JS 5D AD 3D 0D 3C JS AS 9S 9C 2D 3D 9C JS 2C 0H
7S JC 2S 7C 7C 0C KC 5C QS AC 4H QS 9C 4H AC 2D QH 5S 0C 6C
7H 8H 4S 7S 6S 0D QD KH AS 5H 0C KC 5D 9H 4C 4D 4S 4C 5C KS
5S 2S 0H 6C AC QC 0D JC 5C 5D JH JC QC 0S 9D 8S 0H 4D 8S QD
AD AD QH 5D 9S 7H 3D 5S KD 5H 8D QD JD 0S 6H 3H QS 8C 7C 5S
QS 4H 5C 5D 5C 8D 0C AC 7H KH 5S 8C 3D KC 9D 9H 9C AH 8S 6D
AC KC 0C 4H QD 2D 2C 0D 0C 8S 7H QC 8D 8H 2S KH KS 2D AD 5H
2C KS 8C AC 8C JC 9H 4S 5D JD JD 5D 0H 6D 9S AH 7D 9H 8D KC
2C 9D QS 4D 2S KS 0D 2S QC 5D 5D KC JD AS 6S 3D KS 3C QC 6S
9H 0S 7C 4H 3C 7C 3S 5H 4H 8C 2H 8H JH AD 6S JC 9C 8D 3S 2H
KH 3S 0S AS JH 8C 4H QH 5H 6D 3D 6H 7C KC AD 4D AH 3S 5C 0S
6C 4S JS 5C 6D 3C 4D 2H 8D JS 0C KS 9H 2C 3D 3S 6H 8D KS 9H
2D AS QS 4H JH 8S 7S 9C 7D JS QH QD 2C 5S 6D 7C 8H 0S 5S 8D
2H 4H AS 4C JD 9C 6D 8S 2H 3H 2C 8S 5S KD JS 9C 3S AD JC 7D
4D 6H 9H JH JD QS AS 9C 2H 4D 7H 8S KC QS 3S 7S 8D AC 4S 0H
JH 9D 0C 0C AS 2H 7H AD QS 4C 0S 5D 2S 4S QH 5H 0H 7H KS 0H
JS 0D 3D 6C 0D 2C 8S KD 6H AD 9D 9D 3S 4S QH 2S 7D QH 5H JD
0H 5S KH JH 2H 4S 2C 8H 0D 3C 4D 4C AS 0D 6C 9S 3D 5D 9S 2C
4D KH JS AC KH QC 6S AS 2D KD 2H 7S 7C JC 7C 9H 4C JD 6H 4H
0C QH 6H 3D 5H 2S 2S KD QH KD 7H 7D 8H 7D 4C AS QD 4C 2D 3H
3H QC 2S 0S 5S 0H 5C 2H AH 4D 4S JC 6H 7S JS 3H 8H 4C 7D 2D
4S 7H 5C AD 0H 6D AD QH QC KD KS 8C 6D 6S KS 8H 9D 6S 7S 2D
3H 7H 6S 7D AH 3H 0S 9D 7S KD 8H 9S 3C 8C JH 8D 8C 0C 3S 3S
5H JC AH AH 7C 5S 9C 5C 8S 6H 6D 9S 3D 7S 0S 3C 3C KD 8H AH
9S AC 4D 7S JH 9D KH 6D 6S 0D KS JD 4H AS 4C JD 9C 6D 8S 2H


Stuff I have been reading, watching, playing, thinking about while making this

Haunted Houses

American Horror Story Murder House

House of Leaves, Mark Danielewski

Succession Game

Boatmurdered (Dwarf Fortress Game):

Card and Dice Mechanics

Alone Among The Stars:

The Quiet Year:

Swords Without Master:

No Cards No Problem:

One Page Solo Engine:

Memories as Inventory

Thousand Year Old Vampire (One of the spookiest and best solo journaling games there is):


The Support Flower

Reactions and Conviction

Cloud Empress Solo Rules:

Card based exploration


Carta SRD: