d66 grid to d20 + d6 tables
a novel way to do tables
a novel way to do tables
I don’t know what to do with this thing, but I am quite enamored with it.
. 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 a b c d e f
2 g u u w w h
3 i u y y w j
4 k x z z v l
5 m x x v v n
6 o p q r s t
It is a two dimensional d66 grid.
You roll two six-sided dice (or one die twice), one for the x-axis and one for the y-axis. And then look up the corresponding letter on the grid. And then look up that letter on a table of 26 letters. This table is generally split into 20 rare / specific items and 6 common / general items.
I never really thought about how a 26 letter alphabet can be represented by a d20 table and a d6 table.
But that’s not even the clever part.
Look, the first 20 letters of the alphabet are all clustered around the outer ring of the grid. You can only get one of them by rolling either a 1 or a 6 on one of your dice. Any other roll will get you one of the six letters clustered in the center.
Probability heavily favors the last six letters of the alphabet. The first twenty letters are more rare.
This mechanic is, according to some random person on discord, allegedly from the game Traveler, where it served as a Rumor Generator: six common rumors, and twenty specific rumors.
So this mechanic, with one roll, randomly determines the rarity of a result. And then randomly determines the result itself from a provided table of 20 and 6 options.
Which you don’t need a mechanic for: you could certainly decide for yourself whether the hot piece of gossip your character just heard is “common” or “specific” based on circumstances. And then, if it’s obvious to you, you can decide what that piece of gossip is on your own.
But if you don’t want to, or cannot, readily determine those things on your own, then this is a very neat little mechanic indeed!
And it’s all opt-in as well! You could just roll on the grid to determine the rarity. Or you could roll a d20 on the rare list. Or you could roll a d6 on the common list. Or any combination of the above.
Question: What is the goblin hoard doing with all those ….?
Answer: Roll 2d6:
. 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 a b c d e f
2 g u u w w h
3 i u y y w j
4 k x z z v l
5 m x x v v n
6 o p q r s t
Note: this is maybe not the best example because there’s no rhyme or reason to what is considered rare vs common here. But that’s okay, because I just made it all up myself! You get the idea.