

study buddy = 1 - 1.5 gold?

alchemically enhanced study buddy = 3 - 5 gold?

roll alchemy to produce

1 - 15 steady
16 - 20 increase production

roll deception/sleightofhand to distribute

1 - 15 break even
16 - 20 profit

roll stealth - heat not to get caught (scaling difficulty)

1 - 10 safe
10 - 18 +1 heat
19 - 20 busted!


see Pink Mohawk Risus

Type: drops, breather, pill, draught, sniffers, edibles

How to make drugs:

  1. Name
  2. Primary effect
  3. Side effect
  4. After effect?
  5. Permenant effect?
  6. Overdose chance / effect
  7. Onset time
  8. Duration of effects
  9. Detection
  10. Mixing
  11. Format
  12. Price

study buddy

aka pixie dust, aka sharp sugar


dragon breath


druid dreams