

lives in the feywild through the upside down

destroyed Melvin Finefeather for breaking a faerie promise feyfeather

currently entertaining Athina Finefeather; can be convinced to release her in exchange for... a memory?

how does this tie back to the main storyline...

Alberon can grant a feat in exchange for something costly.

stuff alberon wants


  1. your service, every full moon = fake lycanthropy? lulz
  2. a memory of a loved one
  3. your final breath
  4. your voice -- you can only shout or whisper
  5. the first bite of every meal
  6. one syllable of your name
  7. teeth
  8. one of your eyes / your vision / half the light of the world
  9. your shadow
  10. your body = roll reincarnation --


  1. carry this baby around for a week
  2. never cut your hair
  3. never touch a dead body
  4. never speak on mondays
  5. never refuse an offer of hospitality
  6. never tell anyone your name or who you are while on mortal soil
  7. never refuse a challenge
  8. never refuse any food offered to you
  9. never enter a dwelling without invitation
  10. never tell a lie
  11. never eat of the flesh of any living creature
  12. never take a life or use lethal force
  13. never accept payment for helpful deeds
  14. never refuse a second request
  15. never sleep on the ground or under a roof
  16. never turn your back on adventure or a journey
  17. never refuse a dying wish
  18. never drink out of a cup
