


Saoirse got a letter from Connan saying he's "about to crack this thing wide open"

Archie got a letter from Mama, saying she is sending his Uncle Byrdee to come collect him and bring him back home to the farm.

Saoirse and Archie went to help Enrique with his rivalry with Alhanso and his adequate arepas. Saoirse gave him a delicious mushroom and Archie gave him a rare, lost recipe from the Codex Alimentarius.

Eivas did a bunch of weird alchemy shit!

You practiced Mage Tower! It was a bit of a shit show, but you learned a lot, and Rosie gave you a luck stone.

Then a blue slaad showed up with deep scratches across its chest and shoulders. You overpowered it with the power of friendship and velicoraptors (mostly velicoraptors), but not before Saoirse was infected with CHAOS PHAGE



mage tower rules

  1. Team with the most points at the end of 3 rounds wins
  2. Every player acts each round
  3. On their turn a player can:
    1. attempt an ability check to score a point (athletics, acrobatics, arcana: DC 16), or
    2. cast a spell (cannot directly harm or damage people, spectators, field):
      • level 1 - 2 = give another team mate advantage (or a rival disadvantage?)
      • level +3 = instant point score for your team

```mermaid graph TD

init(Rounds = 3) start(for each player) cast(Level 3 or higher?) check(16 or higher?) adv(give advantage to a teammate) score(Score a point) decr(Rounds = Rounds - 1) cont(Rounds > 0?) finish(Game over)
init --> start start -->|cast a spell| cast start -->|ability check| check cast -->|yes| score --> decr cast -->|no| adv --> decr check -->|yes| score decr --> cont cont -->|yes| start cont -->|no| finish



exam: augury

how much drugs did eivas sell???

eivas, delvin failed dc 10 addiction = addicted 1 = exhausted unless more drugs or sleep tonight

delvin, eivas more drugs = addicted 2 = dc 12

relationship encounter: sing off

scavengers: grayson, drazhomir?, rampart!


i just wrote some bars, says chadwick

eivas + urzmatok

archie + grayson = slam poetry

birb dylan

greta +2

mina +2

quintilious -1





